
Yugioh Pocahontas Chapter 9

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Yugi looked down at the piece of gold between his hands, holding it this way and that, watching how it glittered and shone in the light that came through the trees. "It's called a crown" Atem told him.

Yugi glanced at him then back at his object "Crown" he tried, not sure what it was for. Iru tapped it sharply with her staff, not trusting it at all. She leaned over and eeped when she saw the Egyptian eye, thinking it was real.

Yugi tried it on, it was slightly big but it fit well enough not to fall off. Atem chuckled then looked around "So… what river is this?" he asked, partly for something to say and partly out of curiosity.

"Reinbōraito no kawa" Yugi responded swiftly. Atem gave him a confused look Yugi giggled "In this language it means…" he thought for a moment, translating "River Rainbow Lights"

Atem nodded "Why is it called that?"

Yugi pointed up the river "There are waterfalls that create rainbows in any light, and at night the fireflies meet there"

Atem sighed "Sounds beautiful" he took his crown off the boy's head gently "You have very unusual and strange names here, Yugi, Iru, something no kawa"

Yugi giggled and shifted so he was facing Atem properly, they were sitting side by side at the same place they'd first communicated, they had so much to talk about "You have very odd name too, Atem"

They smiled, Atem supposed his name would sound rather odd to someone who'd never heard it before. A sudden rustling in his bag made him jump, he saw the Winged Kuriboh nosing around in his bag of provisions for the day "Hey!" he pulled out the giggling creature.

"Is this monster a friend of yours?" he asked.

Yugi took the little creature into his arms "Kuriboh isn't a monster" he said, shocked that Atem would call him that. Kuriboh just nibbled on his bit of bread that he'd gotten his paws on.

Atem blinked "What do you call them? Where I'm from we call them Ka monsters, but they are normally sealed away inside stone tablets…" he trailed off when Yugi looked horrified.

"You have the spirits sealed away? Like master and slave?" his voice was full of fear and wrong, as if he'd just heard Atem admit he'd killed someone.

Atem looked confused "Aren't you connected to Kuriboh that way?" he asked.

Yugi shook his head "We call them spirits… they're free to come and go as they wish. We don't believe in master and slave. We don't order them to do anything they don't want to… it's wrong to control them like that…" he cuddled Kuriboh who nuzzled back affectionately.

Atem looked confused "You talk as if they are alive"

Yugi looked up "They are. We talk with them, we've always lived together, for as long as I remember and as far back as our clan goes…"

"Your clan?" Atem looked interested "You have people here?"

Yugi nodded "My village is North East of here"

Atem looked "How many people are there in your village? Do you have a capital?" Yugi giggled a little at the continues questions.

"As my Grandpa would say; your curiosity is deeper than a bubbling brook" Atem laughed good naturedly and shook his head.

"I am curious. I've never met anyone like you before"

Yugi smiled, a slight blush on his cheeks "My village is the only human one in our lands for about five days journey on foot, there are about two hundred people there in my village by a river. Then countless spirits that live with us and throughout this land"

Atem whistled "That's bigger than I would have thought"

Yugi let Kuriboh go as he flapped his little wings in frustration "How big is your people? And your village?"

Atem leaned back on his hands "My village. Well it's a very big village with thousands of people living around the Palace where I live, many live inside the palace as servants to the priests and my Father, then there are lots of smaller villages and towns scattered all around far away or nearby Egypt"

"Egypt" Yugi tried out the word slowly. "Is that your country?"

Atem nodded "I know you're not comfortable with Master and Slave but in my country it's common but most masters are kind and fair…"

Yugi nodded after a while "Like friends? And like a job?"

Atem nodded eagerly "Mostly like that, but there are lost of different people, some are very cruel to their servants and slaves. My Father puts those people on trail with his Priests and they get punished for the amount of hurt they've put their servants through"

Yugi nodded "What's a P-Palace?"

Atem blinked then reached forwards and sketched a picture in the soil "It's a very large building with lots of rooms, mostly very finely made and decorated, lots of slaves and servants live there. And Guards"

"Guards are like guardians?" Yugi asked, Atem loved the sound of his voice, it was very light and seemed almost melodic even though he was only talking.

Atem nodded "Yes, they stop troublemakers from getting inside" Yugi smiled.

Atem is nice even if his people have strange ways. Yugi thought Atem's voice was nice as well, deep and confident. Yugi looked at the palace image Atem had sketched out. "It's very different. Who owns such a big… Palace?" he called back the word just as his sentence ended.

Atem blew his bangs out of his eyes "My Father, the Pharaoh and his family and council. Being Pharaoh makes him ruler and King of Egypt"

Yugi looked at Atem "Does that make you a Prince?" he asked, excited.

Atem nodded, reluctantly, he didn't want Yugi bowing to him or treating him any differently than he was before. "I am…"

Yugi smiled "Me too!"

Atem blinked, sitting up straighter. "Really?"

Yugi nodded, his eyes wide "My Grandpa is Chieftain and the Creator's vessel. One day I'll be both, just like him"

Atem let his breath out in a whoosh, what a coincidence thousands of miles apart… "What's a Chieftain? And who's this Creator?"

Yugi rolled his eyes as if Atem had asked what the sun was. "Chieftain is leader of the village and people, he makes decisions and deals with problems using meetings with Pegasus-no-shaman, he's our spiritual expert" Atem nodded, his crimson eyes alight with this new information. Yugi tapped his face as if he was thinking of what else to say "Only the royal family can be the vessel, that's what really makes him Chieftain, he's the Creators mortal mouthpiece"

Atem nodded "Who's the Creator?"

Yugi thought again "He is the first spirit, the leader of the spirits, he's unstoppable and unbeatable by anything once he's been summoned. He's the most powerful but he's just, and he's created chains for himself to keep himself contained and punished for past wrongs. He links himself with a human so that he can link the world of spirits with our world"

Atem gasped "Is he your people's god?"

Yugi nodded, kneeling slightly "He is known as The Creator and Exodia"

Atem yelped slightly "Exodia!"

Yugi looked shocked "You know of him?"

Atem was slightly shaken, these people had such a powerful Ka -spirit, he reminded himself harshly- on their side. They worshiped him. Atem slowly nodded "We know him as Exodia the forbidden one, he's so powerful that only one person hundreds of years ago when the world began was able to summon him to beat back the shadow monsters"

Yugi's eyes sparkled "That's similar to my legends!" they were leaning forwards, learning more about the other was connecting them.

Iru shrieked and got in between them, shoving their faces apart not wanting them any closer than necessary. Atem jerked back and partly glared at the Blue Fairy. "I remember you"

Yugi held a hand out palm up and the fairy sat in his palm quiet snugly. "Iru just doesn't like strangers, she's my personal guardian as I am the next Chieftain"

Atem looked at the little thing, he thought it would be best to start over "I'm not a stranger anymore" Iru glared at him harder. Atem extended a hand for her to shake.

Yugi looked at it curiously. "What are you doing?"

Atem smiled "It's my people's way of greeting for the first time" he reached for Yugi's other hand, then brought it up and shook it gently "It's how we say hello"

Yugi looked interested "This is how we say hello to someone new" he put a hand on his heart and bowed his head slightly with his eyes closed "Konnichiwa" he looked up with a small smile.

Atem copied "K-konnichiwa" he returned.

Yugi nodded then moved his left hand in a large wave "And goodbye; Sayōnara" his voice was really sweet.

Atem smiled "I like hello better" he told Yugi, catching his hand and keeping their hands palm to palm. Yugi looked at their mirrored hands and felt his heart beat faster, What is this feeling? My heart's beating so fast, I feel breathless…

"Hey!" Atem broke away when Kuriboh dug around in his bag again, pulling out something golden.

"Oooh!" Kuriboh said then clutched it closer to him and bounced up into the trees.

Yugi gasped and he and Atem stood up "Kuriboh come back!" Yugi scolded, chasing him as much as he dared, laughing slightly at the game his little friend was playing.

Atem pounced, missing the little spirit by inches. "Come down here!" he called to the bouncing, giggling creature who had just flown up into the tree's green branches. Kuriboh didn't come down, Atem heard a slight clanging as Kuriboh hit it against the tree trunk to see what it was.

Yugi winced "Kuriboh! Bring that back, it's not yours. Anata wa totemo yanchadesu…" (you are very naughty…) Yugi called up to the spirit that only giggled more and hopped away. Yugi blew his bangs up. "Sorry Atem, once Kuriboh gets a hold of something he likes you will most likely never see it again"

Atem ran a hand through his bangs with a half sigh half laugh. "Sounds like someone I know… It's alright I can get another one on the ship, we all have to bring spares"

Yugi nodded slowly "What was that anyway?"

"My Dia Diank" Atem said sitting down.

"Dia Diank?" Yugi asked, sitting next to him.

Atem nodded "It helps you summon a Ka monster back in my homeland, I'll have another on the ship, and there's plenty in Egypt. I like having mine close so that I can feel close to home"

Yugi nodded, his hands loosely clasped in his lap "I'm not sure I like the sound of a Dia Diank, if it only summons spirits for fights…" he said the end part so sadly.

Atem put a hand on his shoulder "I'm sorry it upsets you. But that's our way of life. Our Ka don't talk or touch us like yours, we believe that they are a part of you that you can send out as your will in still in your body while the Ka is wandering on orders. My Uncle would call this life savage if I know him"

Yugi looked up sharply "Savage?" he looked at Atem in slight anger and confusion. "This 'Uncle' would have all of our spirits sealed away like you Ka?" Yugi asked, panic entering his voice.

Atem rubbed his back "I won't let that happen, but if he had his way-"

"Chigau!" (No!) Yugi shouted, jumping to his feet looking angry "Our life has as much importance as yours! Your people can't take away what we love so much, we aren't savage!"

Atem gasped at this passion inside this young teen, he truly loved his way of life. "Yugi… your life is strange to people who haven't experienced it… I've seen lots of cultures, from Greece to China but this life it's…"

Yugi looked at Atem calmly "What you mean is… not like yours"

Atem looked up at him with a shocked face. It was what he wanted to say, but it sounded so hurtful "Yugi…"

The pale boy opened his eyes and he took Atem's hand "Let me show you my world" he smiled and then started to sing. Atem was amazed at the beauty of such voice.

"You think I'm an ignorant savage
And you've been so many places
I guess it must be so"

Atem winced at the implication in the song. Yugi shook his head, letting Atem's hand go as they neared a cliff that overlooked the land and the ship on the Southern River.

"But still I cannot see
If the savage one is me
How can there be so much that you don't know?
You don't know…"

Yugi looked down at the ship far away. He picked up a stick and placed it into the earth like a grand flag or a sword of claim.

"You think you own whatever land you land on
The soil is just a dead thing you can claim"

Yugi's smile widened again, he knelt by the edge of the trees and touched a boulder and a small sapling, Atem saw a slight glow on his hands. Yugi pulled him over, placing his hands over Atem's making him feel the life under his fingers that Yugi felt.

"But I know every rock and tree and creature
Has a life, has a spirit, has a name"

Yugi giggled and pulled Atem along again, this time they appeared in the path of a scary looking beast, a wolf that was silver and proud, not a spirit, but a potentially dangerous animal. Atem gripped his pendant and gathered his magic to fight. But Yugi kept singing.

"You think the only people who are people...
Are the people who look and think like you"

He placed a calming hand on Atem's arm and smiled sweetly, letting Atem know that there was no danger. Atem lowered his hand and watched amazed as the wolf approached and licked Yugi's outstretched hands. Yugi held Atem's hand and let the wolf smell his scent, the beautiful animal nuzzled Atem's hand.

Atem gasped in awe, the wolf was letting him know that he was a friend. Yugi smiled in joy that Atem was experiencing this wonder. The wolf turned and left, Yugi pulled Atem along by his hand, excited about something. Atem's crimson eyes widened as Yugi led him to the wolf's den.

"But if you walk the footsteps of a stranger
You'll learn things you never knew you never knew"

Yugi picked up one of the newborn pups and cuddled it warmly the adult wolves all looking at the humans with calm but watchful eyes. Yugi handed the stunned Atem a pup and it nibbled his bronzed fingers affectionately. Atem's eyes were nearly always wide now, he smiled and petted the purring cub with soft eyes, this is amazing… Yugi sighed in contentment and lead Atem reluctantly away.

"Have you ever heard the wolf cry to the blue corn moon?"
The wolves behind them all howled mystically in a united goodbye.
"Or asked the grinning bobcat why he grinned?"

Yugi pointed to a shape in the tree tops, it was a cat that was smiling widely, little birds were jumping in the trees.

"Can you sing with all the voices of the mountains?"

Yugi's voice echoed as they came to a cliff that opened out into canyons and mountains, Yugi's voice being distorted and changed and shouted back at him.

"Can you paint with all the colours of the wind?
Can you paint with all the colours of the wind?"

Yugi's arms lifted and the wind pulled at his clothes and hair, Atem also closed his eyes and felt the calming breeze. Yugi touched his wrist and nodded back at the woods, smirking as he tensed to run.

"Come run the hidden pine trails of the forest
Come taste the sun sweet berries of the Earth
Come roll in all the riches all around you
And for once, never wonder what they're worth"

Atem was panting behind Yugi as the boy reached a river, creatures jumping out of it at the sight of their Prince, Yugi waved and they all laughed. Atem saw how much the creatures, or spirits, and Yugi cared and bonded with each other, it was like they were family.

"The Spirits and the Critters are my brothers
Kuriboh and sweet Iru are my friends
And we are all connected to each other
In a circle, in a hoop that never ends"

Yugi whistled loudly and raised his arm, an eagle landed on it, it was grey and rather on the small side but very majestic. Yugi pulled Atem's arm up and its mate, a beautiful golden eagle, landed on his bronzed arm. Its claws rather sharp but gentle, not hurting him at the moment. Yugi crouched and lifted his arm, giving the bird some lift, Atem following suit. They flew up one of the tallest trees Atem had ever seen.

"How high will the sycamore grow?
If you cut it down, then you'll never know…
And you'll never hear the wolf cry to the blue corn moon"

Yugi gesturing all around him, all the spirits nearby and animals looking at the two of humans standing in nature's finest show.

"For whether we are white or darker skinned
We need to sing with all the voices of the mountains
We need to paint with all the colours of the wind…"

Yugi bend down and picked up some soil in his white palms, letting it flow through Atem's fingers.

"You can own the soil and still
All you'll own is that, until
You can paint with all the colours of the wind…"

Atem and Yugi gripped hands at the end of Yugi's song, it seemed to be a spell too, whatever Yugi had felt whilst meeting the wolves, touching the spirits, looking upon the tallest tree in the forest, Atem had felt his emotions, seen double as he saw how Yugi saw it, sensed the world around him as the young Prince sensed it.

Atem looked into the eyes of the smaller teenager. Finally understanding just how tightly linked he was to everything around him, from the clouds to the grass under his bare feet.

Yugi smiled at their entwined hands and stepped forwards "Do you understand?" he asked, in a hushed whisper, almost as if he were afraid to speak too loudly and break the atmospheric spell that held the two boys close together.

Atem nodded "I see now…"

Yugi smiled, Atem smiled. Their hearts were racing from the running. Atem's mind was spinning from the experiences he'd been shown through his eyes and the eyes sweet teen before him. He is truly amazing… I've never met someone like him, a free spirit, and a pure light.

Yugi's heart skipped a beat when Atem smiled seductively, the named not realizing that was the emotion he was displaying to the younger teen. Suddenly the wind changed direction, it was colder than before.

Yugi's eyes widened as the unmistakable sound of the drums was heard on the wind. Atem looked around as Yugi's face became worried, partly scared. Atem heard the sound too, coming from the pointed direction of Yugi's village. "What is it?"

Yugi spoke slightly scared "The drums… th-they mean trouble… I can't be here!" he broke away and tried to rush past Atem.

"No wait!" Atem pleaded, holding onto Yugi's wrist.

"I can't" Yugi said and tried to leave again.


"I'm sorry" they ended up pressed up against each other, Atem looked down at the little one in his arms and Yugi looked back. Yugi saw Atem begin to lean down slightly but leaned away sadly "I have to go…" he said and broke away.

Yugi ran to the river, feeling so cold now the warmth of Atem's arms was gone. Atem watched Yugi run to the edge of the river, he bowed his head as if in prayer, the tattoos on his back glowed, the light airy blue, and a bird that seemed to be made out of clouds and air appeared before Yugi.

Yugi swung himself up onto the back of the spirit, after stroking its beautiful head in greeting and murmuring to it. Winged Kuriboh and Iru appeared from the trees, they'd finished giving the Princes their privacy, they landed on Yugi's bird, holding on tightly for the take off.

Atem grasped Yugi's arm as he prepared to take off "Will I see you again?"

Yugi looked down at Atem, biting his lip, so unsure of what to do. He felt so connected to this bronzed teen. The desperate and heartbroken expression on his face hurt Yugi's heart. Yugi shook his head "I… I don't-"

"Please?" Atem begged, desperate to see this beautiful free teen again.

Yugi looked away to hide his pained expression, he had no idea why but he suddenly had the urge to kiss Atem, to press his lips to the crimson eyed teen and take away that pain. The desire to do so was so strong that Yugi felt as if he would spilt from the strength of it. "Maybe" he partly agreed.

Atem sighed, that seemed to be the best he'd get out of the pale teen. "Okay… I hope… I'll see you again"

Yugi smiled as Atem stood back, the bird raised his wings and Yugi called out one more time before the bird flew into the sky "I hope so too! Sayōnara!" and the bird flew into the sky, leaving the crimson eyed Prince staring after him longingly…
I'm back from my holiday. It was alright, I saw a festival, circus, miniture village, chocolate & candy factory, chairlift and lots of other great sights and stuff. IT was a great holiday even if I got sunstroke and ended up puking out the car window at one point.... ya that's not so great.

Anyway, I'm back and here's your next update :)
Hope you all like. I had a bad time with this, because I don't really like writing songfic's, but this song just had to be in here somewhere so I had to put up with it. :giggle: :huggle:

Thanks to all who left a comment on the last chapter :iconnomglompplz: . And for Raven Prince [link] my fairytale themed oneshot. :D :iconsuperheroglompplz:

So Atem and Yugi have parted because of suspected danger, IRu still doesn't like Atem. Kuriboh will love anyone who feeds him. :giggle:

More soon! Now it'll be back to one update per day, roughtly. =P
© 2012 - 2024 EBirchalle
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Moogirl12121's avatar
I loved the movie Pocahontas, really I did, even with its historical inaccuracies. But, I don't think a story remake... does it really need the songs? I understand the tribal dancing and singing songs yes, but the random singing is a bit much for a story...